Saturday, October 8, 2011

Lesson 2 - October 8th 2011; Human Proportions

Hello again my dear students. :D
Like last week I will be asking ya'll to do 5 gestures of Objects and 5 of People/Animals :3 [rember this'll be a reoccuring assignment XD]
Khisakitty directed me to a great resource for photos [especially if you want a timed environment, which I'd encourage :3]
For Humans:
For Animals:

The secoud half of your assignment will be to draw this guy from all angles.
Since I'm not the best at this exercise myself, I'll provide you with the reference I used [Thank you "Andrew Loomis; Figure drawing for all it worth" Ps, highly recocmmended book, using it made humans easier to draw for me personally. :3]
Hopefully this isn't too risky for ya'll, if it is lemme' know, and I'll think up an alternate assignment [but going the human route of realism... its kind of hard to avoid such things, and this does seem that bad imo]

Now I want you all to choose either the 8 heads model or the 7 heads model
The one with all views is the 8 heads model. [Remember you are doing front, back, and side view, for you choice]
Keep in mind with the 7 head model, the feet take up a block of their own :3

If you're freehanding the assignment on paper, hopefully you all have a ruler. I'd say draw 9 horizontal lines [make sure you do them evenly space, this is importantant to do.]
Then for from view draw 3 verticle lines, and make sure each box is square. :3

If you're too lazy for that or would prefer using the computer here's a chart you all can either draw on or print out if you have a printer:

Also here's a thing I describe a few things I felt like noting down
In case they could be possibly helpful [forgot to note that elboew should be lined up, and that shoulder'll be slightly below the line]
Also note anything you seemed to realize when working on them, that I haven't stated. :D

[I just realized I myself messed up on the head on the side view...]

Now for grading, this is like a minimum, but I will also keep in mind to how much you seemed to try to get things right [I will most likel be lienient, so no stress. I should probably switch to a points system....]

TIP: try to draw a bit before working on these guys, even if its just swirly lines on the paper, it'll help loosen you up a bit :3
A  - Completed all 3 views, plus gesture assignment
B  - Completes 2 views, plus gesture assignment
C  - Completes 1 view, plus gesture assignment
D  - Completes 1 view
F   - Failed to meet minimum requirement for a D

Have fun class :D

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Lesson 1 - September 29th - Gestures and Still Life Drawin

Hello dear students. :D
For this first assignment you can use either pencils or a Digital program, either way is fine. [Pencil prefered for this one though :3]
So part one of this weeks lesson, you will start off by drawing 10 gesture sketches, 5 of things around you and 5 of people or animals. [you should do these in one day, but if needed feel free tospread them throughout the week.]
For humans a good source would be:

Now gesture sketches shouldn't take you do to long to do, as you will basically be drawing scribbles :D
When doing gesture drawings avoid chicken scratch as muchhhhh as possible, you want big long flowy lines.
Its just when you do chicken scratch it does takes a lot longer and can take away the feel of the sketch.

You are not trying to create a master piece either though, so don't think to hard about your lines. [you're trying to capture the entire image with as few lines as nessary, gestures will help you sense movement in your drawings making it a bit easier to avoid stiff drawings if you keep up with it for long enough]
I say give yourself 1-3 minutes do each of them.

Here's some examples I put together with photo references

This will be a recoccuring assignment for all lessons.
You do not need to have the original image you reference from :3
The more you work at it the faster you'll get.

Second and final half of your assignment is to draw something simple lying around you, and then shade it.
A bowl from the kitchen, a piece of fruit, a ball, anything lying on your desk. [try to avoid something that looks too complex, something simple with a little complexity is best]
Now you are going to spend at least 30 minutes referencing this item, so set a timer if needed. If you 'finish' early, so you will need to take your time figuring out how to make it even better. :3 [this image is from two years ago, I know long time since I've done Still Lifes, but I'll draw and put up a new one tomorrow with possible video of the process incase that'd be helpful]

Now cross hatching will give your drawing a more neater look if you're patient but I'll just say shade how you feel most confortable for the time being.

Hopefully I'm making my assignments a resonable length for you all :D

This weeks lesson, will be due on the 7th. [Late assignments will be accepted only on the 8th, any day after the 8th you will not pass the assinment]

Now grading goes as following for this assignment is as following:

A  - Completed 10 Gestures, and Real Life Drawing
B  - Completed 5 Gestures and Real Life Drawing
C  - Completed 10 Gestures OR Real Life Drawing
D  - Completed 5 Gestures AND/OR Only Finished Outline of Real Life Drawing
F   - Failed to meet minimum requirement for a D

So its either, you did or you didn't do it based grading, at least for now :3

Have fun with this weeks lesson :D


Here's me demonstrating how to do your assignment [I'd do an on paper version, but I'm inable to have the camera set up for that I'm sorry]

Rember to feel free to ask any questions :3


This course will start out as a referencing things in real life or from photos

To even begin to draw realism [well anything in general] from your head, you must be able to draw what you see before you can even start on drawing what you CAN'T see in front of you, at least thats the case for most people. [I'm just stating this since I use to be stubborn and took that as cheating, it just helps condtion you :3]
So basically a lot of the lessons will be based off this, the lesson following will be based off of memory recall sometimes.

Hopefully we have fun learning together :D
[I've never taught before ahaah XD]