Thursday, September 29, 2011

Lesson 1 - September 29th - Gestures and Still Life Drawin

Hello dear students. :D
For this first assignment you can use either pencils or a Digital program, either way is fine. [Pencil prefered for this one though :3]
So part one of this weeks lesson, you will start off by drawing 10 gesture sketches, 5 of things around you and 5 of people or animals. [you should do these in one day, but if needed feel free tospread them throughout the week.]
For humans a good source would be:

Now gesture sketches shouldn't take you do to long to do, as you will basically be drawing scribbles :D
When doing gesture drawings avoid chicken scratch as muchhhhh as possible, you want big long flowy lines.
Its just when you do chicken scratch it does takes a lot longer and can take away the feel of the sketch.

You are not trying to create a master piece either though, so don't think to hard about your lines. [you're trying to capture the entire image with as few lines as nessary, gestures will help you sense movement in your drawings making it a bit easier to avoid stiff drawings if you keep up with it for long enough]
I say give yourself 1-3 minutes do each of them.

Here's some examples I put together with photo references

This will be a recoccuring assignment for all lessons.
You do not need to have the original image you reference from :3
The more you work at it the faster you'll get.

Second and final half of your assignment is to draw something simple lying around you, and then shade it.
A bowl from the kitchen, a piece of fruit, a ball, anything lying on your desk. [try to avoid something that looks too complex, something simple with a little complexity is best]
Now you are going to spend at least 30 minutes referencing this item, so set a timer if needed. If you 'finish' early, so you will need to take your time figuring out how to make it even better. :3 [this image is from two years ago, I know long time since I've done Still Lifes, but I'll draw and put up a new one tomorrow with possible video of the process incase that'd be helpful]

Now cross hatching will give your drawing a more neater look if you're patient but I'll just say shade how you feel most confortable for the time being.

Hopefully I'm making my assignments a resonable length for you all :D

This weeks lesson, will be due on the 7th. [Late assignments will be accepted only on the 8th, any day after the 8th you will not pass the assinment]

Now grading goes as following for this assignment is as following:

A  - Completed 10 Gestures, and Real Life Drawing
B  - Completed 5 Gestures and Real Life Drawing
C  - Completed 10 Gestures OR Real Life Drawing
D  - Completed 5 Gestures AND/OR Only Finished Outline of Real Life Drawing
F   - Failed to meet minimum requirement for a D

So its either, you did or you didn't do it based grading, at least for now :3

Have fun with this weeks lesson :D


Here's me demonstrating how to do your assignment [I'd do an on paper version, but I'm inable to have the camera set up for that I'm sorry]

Rember to feel free to ask any questions :3

1 comment:

  1. A video would be great! If you have the time of course. :D
