Saturday, October 8, 2011

Lesson 2 - October 8th 2011; Human Proportions

Hello again my dear students. :D
Like last week I will be asking ya'll to do 5 gestures of Objects and 5 of People/Animals :3 [rember this'll be a reoccuring assignment XD]
Khisakitty directed me to a great resource for photos [especially if you want a timed environment, which I'd encourage :3]
For Humans:
For Animals:

The secoud half of your assignment will be to draw this guy from all angles.
Since I'm not the best at this exercise myself, I'll provide you with the reference I used [Thank you "Andrew Loomis; Figure drawing for all it worth" Ps, highly recocmmended book, using it made humans easier to draw for me personally. :3]
Hopefully this isn't too risky for ya'll, if it is lemme' know, and I'll think up an alternate assignment [but going the human route of realism... its kind of hard to avoid such things, and this does seem that bad imo]

Now I want you all to choose either the 8 heads model or the 7 heads model
The one with all views is the 8 heads model. [Remember you are doing front, back, and side view, for you choice]
Keep in mind with the 7 head model, the feet take up a block of their own :3

If you're freehanding the assignment on paper, hopefully you all have a ruler. I'd say draw 9 horizontal lines [make sure you do them evenly space, this is importantant to do.]
Then for from view draw 3 verticle lines, and make sure each box is square. :3

If you're too lazy for that or would prefer using the computer here's a chart you all can either draw on or print out if you have a printer:

Also here's a thing I describe a few things I felt like noting down
In case they could be possibly helpful [forgot to note that elboew should be lined up, and that shoulder'll be slightly below the line]
Also note anything you seemed to realize when working on them, that I haven't stated. :D

[I just realized I myself messed up on the head on the side view...]

Now for grading, this is like a minimum, but I will also keep in mind to how much you seemed to try to get things right [I will most likel be lienient, so no stress. I should probably switch to a points system....]

TIP: try to draw a bit before working on these guys, even if its just swirly lines on the paper, it'll help loosen you up a bit :3
A  - Completed all 3 views, plus gesture assignment
B  - Completes 2 views, plus gesture assignment
C  - Completes 1 view, plus gesture assignment
D  - Completes 1 view
F   - Failed to meet minimum requirement for a D

Have fun class :D

1 comment:

  1. Where should we be posting our assignments as it doesn't appear you have a folder for you classes?
